Nexsel Tech

Lighting Strategies for Tissue Culture and Micropropagation


Lighting Strategies for Tissue Culture and Micropropagation

Tissue culture and micropropagation are advanced methods for multiplying plants quickly and efficiently under controlled conditions.

india Plant Tissue Culture Lighting


Tissue Culture Lighting Cost

When considering the replacement of conventional CFL lights with LED lights, lighting cost and return on investment (ROI) are crucial factors to consider.

india Plant Tissue Culture Lighting


Plant Tissue Culture Lighting

In the world of plant tissue culture, providing the ideal lighting conditions is crucial for successful propagation and growth. The use of LED lights has revolutionized the industry, offering several advantages over conventional fluorescent lights. Let’s explore the benefits of LED lights & how Nexsel can provide tailored LED lighting solutions for the tissue culture industry.

LED Grow Lights


LED Grow Lights vs Regular LED Lights: Which is Better for Your Tissue Culture Plants?

LED grow lights have been becoming increasingly popular among indoor gardeners as they offer several

india Benefits Of Switching From CFL To LED Lights


Tissue Culture: The Benefits of Switching from CFL to LED Lights

Tissue culture is an important field of research that involves growing cells, tissues, or organs in a controlled environment.

india tissue cultural grow light


Tissue cultural grow light

We are at Nexsel has 4 years + experience over multiple tissue cultural plants. We are closely monitoring effect of different wavelengths and intensities

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    Nexsel is a research-driven horticultural lighting manufacturer that provides LED grow lights for biotech and horticulture purposes.

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